Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K9235 Intelligent Software Systems software systems; programming
K9234 Information and Computing Sciences software; algorithms; information
K9221 Intelligent Software Systems software; language; application; game
K8974 Slimme software voor bewegingsvrijheid implantaten; bewegen; software
K8970 De optimale route voor transportsector softwareapplicaties office devices; routeplanning
K7698 Software Engineering software engineering; multimedia
K7694 Foundations of software engineering software engineering
K7692 Software engineering, evolutionary systems and multi-media applications softwareapplicaties office devices; multimedia
K7693 Software analysis and transformation software engineering; renovation
K7563 Softwaremaker helpt bedrijven met versnelling verkoopproces softwareapplicaties office devices; verkoop
K7225 Networked application social media
K6965 Architectuur voor digitale informatiesystemen informatiesystemen; architectuur
K6915 Oefentherapie-online telematica; oefentherapie; zorg
K6914 Digitale medicatie-ondersteuning epilepsiepatienten telematica; zorg; medicatie
K6613 Kunstmatige intelligentie voor oplossen complexe problemen netwerken; neurale netwerken; kunstmatige intelligentie
K6456 Die design software ontwerp industriele producten; software
K6388 Software engineering software engineering; verification
K6343 Software technology softwareapplicaties office devices
K6329 Software energy technology softwareapplicaties office devices
K6127 Embedded software softwareapplicaties office devices