Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K9534 Verpakkings- en integratietechnologie voor chips innovatie; onderwijs; chiptechnologie
K9178 Integrated Circuits Design electronics; wireless; rf
K9179 Emerging Technologies electronics; photonics; design
K9132 Embedded Systems embedded system; computer science
K6744 Productimprovement microsystems micro-elektronica; innovatie; productverbetering
K6406 Micro-systems mechatronica
K6385 Integrated circuit design elektronische componenten; chips
K6381 Distributed and embedded security mechatronica; embedded system
K6338 Microsystems reliability mechatronica; microsysteem
K6260 Nanoscale electrophoresis sensortechnologie
K6142 VLSI design verification micro-elektronica; vlsi
K6141 VLSI design and automation embedded software; vlsi
K6139 Circuits and systems lab micro-elektronica; toepassingen
K6136 Flexible electronics elektronische componenten; chips
K6137 Thin film transistors elektronische componenten; transistors
K6133 Structured electronic design micro-elektronica
K6134 Silicon device integration elektronische componenten
K6135 Microsystems technology micro-elektronica; micro-systemen
K6132 Biomedical electronics micro-elektronica; medische technologie
K6128 Micro electronica embedded software