Employment law

People are without question important assets of any enterprise. In order to be successful enterprises therefore need to take account of employment law issues. Our firm provides a broad range of employment law services to get the most from your people assets. We advise and act on behalf of small, medium-sized and large enterprises as well as managing directors and high-level employees. Our extensive experience in working together with foreign lawyers and Dutch and foreign tax advisors combined with our focus on our clients’ commercial needs ensures a complete solution to your business objectives.
Our expertise in this area includes: employment stock option plans and other employee incentive plans; general employment and social security related issues; employment and assignment contracts; employment law related aspects of mergers and acquisitions; employment litigation; termination of employment contracts; industrial relations and collective labour agreements;
international (cross-border) employment issues; works council issues; outsourcing and secondments; company transitions and transfer of an undertaking; reorganisations and collective dismissals.

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