Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K9150 Human Centric Lighting lighting; building; physics
K9147 Architectural Urban Design and Engineering architecturel design; urban
K9148 Building Physics physics; building; design
K9145 Sustainable Energy Technology technology; energy; sustainability
K9146 Systems and Control systems; control; automation; robotics
K9143 Automotive Powertrains and Hybridisation hybride powertrain; vehicle; automotive
K9141 Cyber Physical Systems and Systems Engineering systems engineering; cyber system
K9142 Mechanical Design and Robotics for Care and Cure construction; mechanisms; instruments
K9139 Dynamical Systems Design mechanical engineering; dynamics; control
K9140 Model-based Control and Identification Motion Systems high tech systems; control; motion; identification
K9138 Mechanical Engineering mechanical engineering; machine technologyl tooling
K9132 Embedded Systems embedded system; computer science
K9130 Connected World Technologies telecommunication; electrical engineering; information technology
K9131 Care and Cure medical technology; medical care
K9129 Electrical Engineering electrical engineering; technology
K9121 Biomechanics biomechanics; medical
K9122 Biomechanics and Mechanobiology medical technology; biological system
K9119 Medical Imaging and Modelling medical technology; imaging; modelling
K9120 Medical Imaging medical technology; imaging
K9117 Biomedical Engineering biomedical engineering; healthcare