Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K9383 Ecosystem & Services biology; ecosystem; conservation
K9263 Freswater and Marine Ecology IBED ecology; biodiversity; freshwater
K9262 Evolutionary and Population Biology biology; population; biodiversity
K9261 Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics biodiversity; ecology; ecosystem
K9255 Synthetic Systems Biology and Living Organisms biology; organisms
K9253 RNA Biology & Applied Bioinformatics biology; rna; bioinformatics
K9250 Plant Development & Epigenetics biology; plant; genetics
K9251 Plant Hormone Biology biology; plant; hormone
K9252 Plant Physiology biology; plant; physiology
K9249 Bacterial Cell Biology & Physiology biology; physiology; food
K9215 Plant Ecophysiology plant; physiology
K9216 Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cells tissue engineering; stem cells
K9213 Molecular Plant Physiology plant; physiology
K9211 Ecology and Biodiversity ecology; biodiversity; ecosystem
K9209 Cell Biology, Neurobiology and Biophysics biology; neurology; genetics
K9202 Microbiology microbiology; proteins
K9155 Regenerative Engineering & Medicine biology; tissue engineering
K9123 Chemical Biology, Materials and Nanomedicine chemical biology; material; medicine
K9051 Kraakbeen regenereren bone tissue engineering; kraakbeen
K9022 Cement herstelt botwervelbreuken bone tissue engineering; botbreuken