Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K7836 App voor studentenwerkplek social media; app; werkplek
K7760 Social media social media; marketing
K7729 Bioinformatica voor laboranten bio-informatica; laboratoria
K7703 Database architectures informatiesystemen; dbase; architectuur
K7704 Interactive information access informatiesystemen; datamining; model; opslag
K7701 Multiscale Modelling and Nonlineair Dynamics computerscience; model; dynamica
K7702 Information Systems informatiesystemen; datamining
K7698 Software Engineering software engineering; multimedia
K7700 Scientific computing and control theory computerscience
K7694 Foundations of software engineering software engineering
K7693 Software analysis and transformation software engineering; renovation
K7692 Software engineering, evolutionary systems and multi-media applications softwareapplicaties office devices; multimedia
K7684 Schrift en spraaksystemen gecombineerd spraaktechnologie; tekstverwerking
K7676 Webtechnologie websites
K7673 Digital Communication for Businesses telematica; business
K7674 Digital Media Production multimedia
K7563 Softwaremaker helpt bedrijven met versnelling verkoopproces softwareapplicaties office devices; verkoop
K7504 Social media strategie social media; strategie
K7476 Apps op maat social media; app
K7477 Patiëntveiligheid serious gaming; medisch