Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K6511 Cooling and instrumentation werktuigbouwkunde; koelen; instrument
K6504 Photonic media fotonica
K6501 Electronic structure theory materials nano-electronics
K6416 Lab-on-a-chip technology life science technologie
K6417 Complex photonic systems fotonica
K6376 Advanced optics fotonica; licht
K6342 Microwave technology telecommunicatietechnologie
K6333 Precision- and microsystems engineering werktuigbouwkunde; precisietechniek
K6296 Nano-composite coatings materiaalbehandeling; coating
K6278 Functional and structural materials x-ray fysica; materiaal
K6260 Nanoscale electrophoresis sensortechnologie
K6259 Mid-field microscopy microscopie
K6257 Quantitative imaging image processing; medisch
K6252 Imaging technology image processing; akoestisch
K6204 Optical and laser remote sensing. antennetechniek; laser
K6188 Adaptive structures luchtvaart engineering
K6146 Photovoltaïsche materialen en devices zonne-energietechnologie; photovoltaisch
K6127 Embedded software softwareapplicaties office devices
K6021 Optical coherence tomography imaging lasertechnologie; beeldverwerking
K6012 AD and DA converters telecommunicatietechnologie;signaalverwerking