Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K6556 Proceskunde scheikundige technologie
K6540 Supramolecular chemistry moleculaire chemie
K6526 Photocatalytic synthesis fotokatalyse; synthese
K6524 Materials chemistry of polymers polymeerchemie; materiaal
K6523 Polymer surfaces and interfaces polymeerchemie; oppervlak
K6513 Chemical reaction engineering scheikundige technologie
K6506 Rheology of resins polymeerchemie; rheologie
K6507 Diblock copolymer phase separation polymeerchemie; co-polymeer
K6508 Viscoelastic phase separation polymeerchemie; viscositeit
K6503 Catalytic systems katalyse
K6498 Biodegradable polymers polymeerchemie; afbreekbaar
K6478 Elastomeer technology and engineering polymeerchemie; elastomeren
K6432 Process technology scheikundige technologie
K6427 Biomedical chemistry medische biologie
K6411 Biomass based fuel technology brandstoftechnologie
K6358 Industrial processes scheikundige technologie; industrieel proces
K6351 Combined electrical and mechanical analysis of polymers fysische chemie
K6349 Self-reinforcement of block co-polymer materials polymeerchemie; co-polymeren
K6350 New accelerated weathering and inspection methods for organic coatings fysische chemie; coating
K6346 Biochemistry biochemie