Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K6504 Photonic media fotonica
K6505 Computational biophysics biofysica
K6501 Electronic structure theory materials nano-electronics
K6502 Biophysical engineering biofysica
K6500 Acousto-optics sensing akoestiek; opto-akoestiek
K6492 Unsteady and turbulent heat transfer warmte- en koudeopslag
K6479 Fluid dynamics stromingsleer
K6480 Acoustics akoestiek; geluid
K6471 Structural dynamics and acoustics akoestiek; geluid
K6428 Mathematical physics biomedische techniek; mathematisch
K6424 Nanobiophysics biofysica
K6425 Physics of fluids fysica vloeistoffen
K6417 Complex photonic systems fotonica
K6414 Computational multi-scale modelling of super-dispersed multiphase flows gedispergeerde meerfasestroming
K6405 Micro-fluidic systems fysica vloeistoffen
K6376 Advanced optics fotonica; licht
K6359 Imaging and adaptive optics optica; beeldverwerking
K6352 Acoustical imaging and sound control microscopie; beeldverwerking
K6331 Aero- and hydrodynamics aerodynamica
K6330 Engineering thermodynamics thermodynamica