Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K6471 Structural dynamics and acoustics akoestiek; geluid
K6468 Design of mechatronic systems mechatronica; design
K6469 Vibration isolation control meet- en regeltechniek; vibratie
K6467 Robotics and machine dynamics industriele robotica
K6465 Mechanical automation and mechatronics mechatronica
K6449 Production technology productietechnologie
K6434 Integrated manufacturing and design industrial engineering; fabricage
K6408 Process- and manufacturing technologies fabricagetechnologie; productie
K6410 Energy efficient and clean conversion of fossil fuels thermo-chemische omzettingstechnologie; schoon
K6407 Robotics and mechatronics robottechnologie; mechatronica
K6386 Mathematical systems meet- en regeltechniek
K6375 Industrial engineering & ict industrial engineering; productiesysteem; ict
K6368 Manufacturing and transport intelligence transporttechnologie; fabricage
K6367 Bulk handling transporttechnologie; bulk handling
K6360 Automotive and intelligent transportation systems transporttechnologie
K6340 High precision positioning systems mechatronica; positionering
K6334 Engineering dynamics werktuigbouwkunde; engineering dynamica
K6332 Intensified reaction- and separation systems scheidingstechnologie
K6325 Gas turbines and gas combustion aandrijf- en besturingstechniek wtb.; gasturbine
K6320 Mobility of persons personenvervoer; personen; mobiliteit