Dossiernummer Titel Trefwoorden
K6314 Hydrodynamic interaction of extreme waves and structures stromingsleer; scheepsbouw
K6296 Nano-composite coatings materiaalbehandeling; coating
K6280 Radiation and isotopes in health sector stralingstechnologie
K6277 Physics of nuclear reactors stralingstechnologie; reactor
K6278 Functional and structural materials x-ray fysica; materiaal
K6274 Multi-phase flows fysica vloeistoffen
K6276 Radiation radionuclides reactors stralingstechnologie; reactor
K6272 Reactive flows and explosions gasdynamica
K6273 Thermal and materials processes warmte- en koudeopslag
K6270 Multi-scale physics fysica vloeistoffen
K6271 Multi-scale physics aerothermodynamica
K6268 Quantum transport kwantumfysica; foton
K6269 Facilities nanotechnology nanotechnologie
K6266 Physics of nano-electronics nano-electronics
K6267 Photronics nano-fotonica; fotronics
K6263 Nanoscience nanotechnologie
K6264 Molecular electronics nanotechnologie
K6265 High resolution electron microscopy microscopie
K6262 4D image analysis image processing; beeldverwerking
K6258 Intelligent molecular diagnostic systems optica; moleculair